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My logfiles tell me that people are really attracted to the following pages that I previously built and uploaded.
ALL-TIME MOST POPULAR PAGE: lyrics to a Lazlo Bane song OTHER VERY POPULAR PAGES, IN ORDER OF POPULARITY: lyrics to an Eddie Murphy song my homepage, of course Bellamy Young fan site feist - 1 2 3 4 Leslie Feist lyrics KD - My Kentucky Home MC Solaar lyrics - Da Vinci Claude lots of lyrics my second entry about Gettin Lucky in KY Ace Weekly's Best of Lex 2005 and 2006 Lexington KY my photoblog archive Wild Oats pix Rachel shaving my head list of searches 20030130 20031015 5/23 entry that reprinted an Ace Weekly list 3-dimensional photos 20030411 (due to the main photo's description) 20030214b Dulce de Leche M&M's 20030416 description of my huge wreck 20031216 Valerie 20030606 my list of CDs Feist lyrics - My Man My Moon new Chick-Fil-A at Hamburg Pavilion 20031118 my first entry about Gettin Lucky in KY French Film Series at UK 20030206