Brett Mason's Brett Bugle

Documenting much of my life and a little of yours

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I used to have my email address posted here, but the spammers got a hold of it, and now I get at least 50 spam messages per night. It's insanity! I'm not giving out my email address here anymore. If you are a family member or close friend, ask me for the secret link to my online contact form kept somewhere special on

My AIM name is "LexJB98", and my Yahoo Messenger name is "jbmason".  But I never use these chat programs anymore.  Don't waste your time adding me to your Buddy List.  If you have a Facebook profile, try sending a Facebook message to the Brett Mason in Lexington KY.  If you have a MySpace profile or Twitter account, try sending a MySpace message or Twitter message to JBMASON.  If you have a LiveJournal, send a LiveJournal comment to LEXBRETT.

If you already know my email address, I'd love to hear from you.  Actually, I'd love for you to tell me the meaning of life.  I need to know as soon as possible.

ATTENTION: If you're still writing me at (or, which funnels into that exact same Yahoo mailbox), you're wasting your time. I don't check that mailbox anymore because Yahoo no longer allows POP access for downloading the messages into Outlook. I've also given up on


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