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For more information about this weekly survey, visit This-or-That Tuesday. My other This-or-Thats: 0418, 0422, 0429, 0506, 0513, 0520, 0527, 0603, 0610, 0617 1. Surf sites at random, or have a set list of regular reads? 2. Do you visit mostly blogs, or news or other sites? 3. Do you go online every day, or just a couple of days a week? 4. Do you allow comments on your blog, or not? 5. Do you shop online at all, or at regular stores? 6. Have you ever done online bill-paying/banking, or not? 7. Which news site do you prefer... or Or do you prefer some other one? 8. Live chat rooms, or message boards? 9. Instant messaging or e-mail? 10. Yes or no: have you ever met, or at least talked on the phone with, another blogger? If not, would you want to? Why or why not? |
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This-or-That Tuesday about websurfing |
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