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For more information about this weekly survey, visit This-or-That Tuesday. My other This-or-Thats: 0418, 0422, 0429, 0506, 0513, 0520 1. Do you prefer silence or do you like background sound (music, TV, etc)? 2. Bathe/shower in morning or evening? 3. Sleeping in complete darkness, or with a nightlight on? 4. Lay out clothes the night before, or just grab what's closest in the morning? 5. Hang up/fold clothes neatly, or just toss them wherever? 6. Work out at a gym, or at home on your own (or do you not bother with exercise)? 7. Talk on the phone, or via IM/e-mail? 8. Are you usually on time, or late? 9. Spendthrift or frugal? 10. Thought-Provoking Question of the Week: You work with someone who is not in the habit of bathing regularly. The smell seems to be getting worse and worse! Would you: 1. try to do something about it, or 2. try to grin and bear it? If you said 1, what would you do? |
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