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For more information about this weekly survey, visit This-or-That Tuesday. My other This-or-Thats: 0418, 0422, 0429, 0506, 0513, 0520, 0527 1. Cats or dogs? 2. Butterflies or birds? 3. Horses or cows? 4. Turtles or snakes? 5. Frogs or grasshoppers? 6. Lions or tigers? 7. Elephants or mice? 8. Porcupines or aardvarks? 9. Unicorns or dragons? 10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You live in a rather dumpy apartment. A friend offers you a chance to be a roommate at a new place s/he is moving into, but they don't allow pets. You have a pet. Do you find your pet a new home and take the new place, or do you keep your pet and stay put? |
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