You are in the Brett Bugle archives right now. The HOMEPAGE is much more important.
because I mentioned dark chocolate M&M's on 3/31, I just got my very first visitor from Google's Froogle engine; what a trip!
Stephen Chow is my new role model, now that I've seen the latest movie that he wrote, directed and starred in: Kung Fu Hustle
the Lawrenceburg project seems to be complete, so now I wait for the expansion of that project into other offices and the inevitable software-reprogramming requests for making that expansion go smoothly
tidied up the house enough to finally have company this year. I cooked dinner for someone, hmmm, before driving that someone to a super-loud Latin party at the Racquet Club
played piano in the open band for the Contra dance tonight and was pleasantly surprised to see a former ballroom-dance friend named Polly
today, I have been a homeowner for exactly half a decade; sadly, I've never had a housewarming party (see 2004-09-21 entry on this page)
some words to live by: "don't hate the player, hate the game." (I saw that on a T-shirt at Target)
no news -- apart from my continued efforts at my dream job in Anderson County -- so checking here might be fruitless for a while
happy birthday to Penny
congratulations to my niece Rachel for getting accepted into nursing school
played racquetball (in Richmond KY, with Ana and her daughter) for the first time in a long time
got my first check from the Lawrenceburg people today, so I treated myself to a therapeutic massage at the Lexington Healing Arts Academy. It's important to work out all that shoulder knotting that comes from programming so much!
still working working working on that Lawrenceburg project, earning myself lots o'vacation money
make your way into my archives:
March 2005, February 2005, and January 2005.
Or just head over to my news page from 2005 and 2004
For search engines: Kentucky KY 40504 USA, not Lexxington, Llexington or Lexingtonn