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life is like a game

Hoyle Board Games 2003

04 Aug 2003

If my computer kept track of how much time I spend in any given program, it would show that the top 2 this past week were Internet Explorer and Hoyle Board Games. I have wasted so much time recently just goofing off with these games (including chess, reversi, and yahtzee), when I could be weeding my front planter or teaching myself a foreign language. Alas.

Big shout-outs and mad propz to my homegirl Bethany for buying me that software for my birthday over a month ago. If any of you want a copy of this CD-ROM, let me know. I won't charge you much.

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thank you Bethany I am having a breakdown (July 26 2002) Danielle is in the background of this produce section pic

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