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Patty smelling the flowers of spring

Photo Friday and Friday Five for Apr 4

04 Apr 2003

above: SPRING entry for Photo Friday challenge = Patty shopping in Lowe's garden section
(Equipment used: Canon Powershot A5)
My previous Photo Friday entry: Glass

below: my 5 answers for Friday Five

1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life?
A dozen, maybe more; I'm not gonna count 'em

2. Which was your favorite and why?
I like my current residence the best because it actually belongs to me alone, and I am not sharing walls with any neighbors.

3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why?
I think it's more exciting than stressful because you know you'll get a change of scenery and a change of local hangouts. Variety is the spice of life, ya know.

4. What's more important, location or price?
Obviously location, duh. Who would want to live in a hundred dollar house in CrackTown? Tyler Durden, perhaps.

5. What features does your dream house have (pool, spa bath, big yard, etc.)?
My dream house would have an outdoor balcony on the second floor and a bowling alley in the basement.

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