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glass bottle on the recycle bin

2 in 1: Photo Friday Five

28 Mar 2003

above: my entry for Photo Friday, challenge = glass
below: my 5 answers for Friday Five

1. What was your most memorable moment from the last week?
When Valerie told me she was ready to move into my house.

2. What one person touched your life this week?
There is never one person touching my life in a week. I have had my life touched by Patty, Tanya, Emily, Valerie, and Danielle, among others. Although I have to mention that a woman named Peg at BJM Staffing made the biggest impression on me by remembering that I had already met with her a few years back.

3. How have you helped someone this week?
I'm going to give Valerie a place to live.

4. What one thing do you need to get done by this time next week?
I need to shuffle all my stuff around so that Valerie can have more space for her stuff. Oh, and I need to file my tax return.

5. What one thing will you do over the next seven days to make your world a better place?
I will recycle my glass bottles.

(Equipment used: Canon Powershot A5)
My previous Photo Friday entry: Blue

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