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search results on Google for Brett Mason

Brett Mason the voice actor

15 Nov 2003

According to my sister, "voice-over is as hard to break into as screen acting is." She also says that I cannot be a voice actor unless I move to Los Angeles. Hey, what about all the locally produced commercials and feature films right here in Lexington? It's right here waiting for me. I just have to find it. Of course, I should also follow her other advice, "record yourself reading something EVERY DAY, at least a minute at a time, and change how you sound while doing it, of course. make yourself a demo reel on tape or cd which will show off your various skills, then find agents (this is the hard part) to submit to."

But check out this wild little discovery!! If you do a Google search for Brett Mason, Google predicts that the most relevant category for that search in their directory is Voice Actors!! Unreal.

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Google hath decreed it so Valerie and Darren are now husband and wife Mom shot me splashing in the ocean (July 1 2003)

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