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all I get is spam spam spam

Attack of the spammers

24 Oct 2003

Is it just me, or has the amount of spam multiplied by about 8 or 12 times this season? What a serious pain, especially for those of us with dial-up connections that get clogged by this crap.

There are many things I have tried to do in order to stop spam, but the only method I've found that works is Spamnet. It cannot stop the spam from being sent to me, but it does an excellent job of deleting the spam that does reach me.

Go read their sales pitch. I recommend them. And I still recommend these 3 other programs that I wrote about in April.

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thank goodness for Cloudmark Spamnet Rafaela whispers to a dog (July 22 2001) Ariana at Raven Run near the Kentucky River

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