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The world of Internet publishing should be a simple one. I code a page, I look for a place to upload the page, and the world stops by to read the page. Then later I check the logfiles to see how people found my page and what page kept them on the site the longest. Sweet. Yahoo Webhosting screws all this up. I do not use their services myself, but I have been at their mercy when I have helped friends with their websites. And let me tell you, if you are at the initial stages of starting a website, avoid Yahoo Webhosting. Two months ago, was having no problems in its cyberexistence on the Yahoo servers. But the woman who holds the account inadvertently cancelled the credit card that Yahoo was using to pay for the site's bandwidth. Without warning, they shut the site down, and after a month of trying, the woman and I could not get Yahoo to change the billing info and bring the site back up. So we have moved the site over to a new host, and life will soon be tiramisu. Note: If you can't get to right this second, just try again in a few days because we are still getting the transfer finalized, with the domain registrar and the DNS servers and all that. But anyway, here's what I don't like about Yahoo Webhosting:
All hail LFC Hosting. |
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what a major pain in my ask |
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