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Memory Lane in Lexington KY

Women of the past and present

08 Oct 2003

Today is the birthday of my college girlfriend Lisa Lankshear. I haven't talked to her in several years, so she's probably not a Lankshear anymore. But I am reminded of her at least once a year when her birthday appears in my electronic calendar. If she happens to find this weblog entry when searching the Web for her name, I say to her, "I wish you well."

There are two other women from my past who are celebrating birthdays this week. I also wish them well. Sally McCall, happy birthday tomorrow. Elise Batsel, happy birthday on Saturday. Tell me where you are so I can add you to my Christmas card list.

Now let's flash forward to the present. . .

My (fragile) ego has been getting quite the boost lately, as I have been recruited to help two different women with their dance classes. Yesterday, my vet friend Molly needed me to be a salsa partner in her private dance lesson. Thanks, Molly! Big happy fun. Then four hours after that Emily and I practiced rumba and cha-cha in her weekly dance class at UK. Thanks, Em! See ya Saturday at the USABDA dance.

(Can't wish Molly a happy birthday till the end of the month; can't wish Emily a happy birthday till December.)

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birthday greetings and whatnot Ariana and Brett at Raven Run (Sept 23 2003) thanks evildoers

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