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Louisville and Lexington signs on I 264

The joy of Sept 20

20 Sep 2003

(Note: I shot the above photo today while I was driving at 60 mph toward the Lexington exit from I 264. A big, stupid risk, not to be attempted by amateurs.)

Today went well. My friend Ariana (a Contra dancer from Wisconsin) accompanied me from Lexington to Louisville and helped me teach a polka workshop at the Balance the Belle dance weekend; afterwards, we ate at Mark's Feed Store on Bardstown Road. I'd post a photo of Ariana, but she kept blocking me from taking one.

Later in the day, I drove back to my hood and bounced on over to see my friend Danielle, who took me to a luau hosted by the president of our neighborhood association. Nice party. Great food, great people.

After the luau, Danielle and I watched the Miss America pageant but got bored with it when Miss New Hampshire was kicked out.

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Louisville dance classes with Ariana and Lexington luau with Danielle cattails near the Harrodsburg Rd entrance of Circle 4 Ariana at Raven Run near the Kentucky River

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