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Ariana hiding from me (on Sept 20)

Things are great

28 Sep 2003

Friday night, I took Danielle to the Lexington Opera House to see the opening night performance of KY Ballet Theatre's new Phantom of the Opera ballet. After the show, we were invited to an opening-night reception, and we stayed for a while.

My former boss Harold is in this ballet, as a ballroom dancer. I talked to him a little bit during the reception, and he surprised me by asking me if I wanted to dance in the show on Saturday night. This was Friday night! He was going to teach me the choreography during the day on Saturday so that I could be in the show on Saturday night! Well, I declined, since I already had plans to go to the Contra dance in Berea.

Have I mentioned that I went to the Contra dance in Berea last night? It was fun, but there was a hambo partner missing. Oh, if only Ariana had been here to hambo with me.

To take my mind off my loss, I am going to see Lost in Translation tonight with Danielle. Should be good.

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but I miss Ariana Brett at the Toyota Camry factory in Georgetown ducks in the pond at Lexington Green

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