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piano repair guy arrives at the Mason mansion

All hail my generous parents

01 Aug 2003

Thanks, Mom and Dad, for sending me the money to have a bad key fixed on my piano. Here's a link to the repairman, Kenneth W Jones -- he offered me the opportunity to redesign his website! Woo-hoo! I start tomorrow morning.

I'm gonna be able to stay out of corporate life for a long time, since broken websites keep finding me. There's big money in fixing broken websites, ya know. And if that plan fails, I can always be an apprentice to a piano repairman and learn this musical trade. (Take a close look at his van above -- it says "apprenticeships available, earn while you learn.")

piano repair in progress on Aug 1 2003


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for fixing my piano my bare face in Nov 98 Rochelle at a pay phone in Switzerland in June 2002

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