BRETT BUGLE - previous entry - next entry - photoblog archive - about Brett

hate not getting any love letters

Target audience for this website

22 May 2003

I just want to clarify something here. This website is aimed at the following 3 sets of people:

  1. those who like me, care about me, and want to know what I'm doing with myself
  2. those who are participating in a massive group effort like Photo Friday
  3. those who are only dropping by briefly because Google told them that I mentioned something they want (like "dulce de leche")
This website is not aimed at anybody else. People who are irritated by me should just surf elsewhere. I wouldn't want to start blocking IP addresses!!

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get out of the kitchen if you cannot stand the warmth I have 2 sisters and no brothers water wheel

BRETT BUGLE - previous entry - next entry - photoblog archive - about Brett