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Eve and Shannon playing Contra dance music

Too much excitement

14 May 2003

Things are rocking and rolling today! For starters, I was able to skip out on my government job to work on web stuff at Standard Business Machines. (That means that I didn't have to deal with the crazy woman who sits with me at Lexcall every Wednesday and who is trying to absorb all my job functions.) Plus, the nice folks at SBM gave me 3 old desktop computers they had in their computer graveyard. Hell, yeah!!

After work I hosted another music night at my house, as pictured above.

And Bethany let me know that there are advance screenings of The Matrix Reloaded going on tonight. I am really wanting to see this movie and am glad that it is officially open. I am going to have big fun sneaking in tomorrow.

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for a Wednesday night Mary and Dad and me at the ocean (in Feb 2002) what makes you think I want to buy a stupid ticket

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