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Kelly and the big water tower shadow (in Feb 2002)

Photo Friday and Friday Five for Apr 25

25 Apr 2003

above: SHADOWS entry for Photo Friday challenge = playing frisbee with Kelly near the UK Arboretum water tower
(Equipment used: Canon Powershot A5)
My previous Photo Friday entry: WATER, another water tower photo

below: my 5 answers for Friday Five   Friday Five

1. What was the last TV show you watched?
Penny and I watched that Will and Grace celebrity clip show together (last night). Hey, speaking of TV shows, I found the most excellent TV website yesterday, and I cannot believe I didn't know about it sooner. Go visit Saturday Night Live Transcripts.

2. What was the last thing you complained about and what was the problem?
Her name is Sue B, and she is a painful thorn in my side at work. I was complaining to Penny that Sue unexpectedly showed up at my desk to swipe a spare PC that I have some development files on. Sue gave me no warning, so I got very angry with her. As a result, the spare PC is still at my desk.

3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
Last night, when Penny fixed me some tuna and crackers as a TV snack, I told her that she did a great job on the tuna.

4. What was the last thing you threw away?
Before I went to Penny's house, Valerie and I were organizing my kitchen, and she persuaded me to get rid of all sorts of things, including a perfectly usable wooden spoon. Is she right to say that wooden spoons are bad for you? She says they grow mold inside them. Write me with your opinion of wooden spoons.

5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?
I discovered in my logfiles that someone new is linking to the Brett Bugle, so I paid him a visit:

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weekly entries for Photo Friday and Friday 5 Shannon and Eve and me and Cary Brett in deep thought about programming (in July 2000)

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