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This particular batch of questions appears to be from that stupid If book, which phrases all of its questions so that the first word is "if." How idiotic, saying "if you had a favorite color, what would it be," instead of "what's your favorite color?" Simplify, people! Despite my general loathing of that book (or series of books), I'll answer today's survey from the Friday Five website. 1. If you had the chance to meet someone you've never met, from the past or present, who would it be? 2. If you had to live in a different century, past or future, which would it be? 3. If you had to move anywhere else on Earth, where would it be? 4. If you had to be a fictional character, who would it be? 5. If you had to live with having someone else's face as your own for the rest of your life, whose would it be? |
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weekly installment of questions from the Friday Five website |
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