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2007-03-30category: ADVICE
When my mom died, I had a friend who would come check on me frequently, and she would bring her dog with her. In the past month, I was around someone else whose mom died, and I saw a different friend bring her dog when going over to visit.
I am now under the impression that dog owners bring their pets to grieving friends who have no dogs because they believe that the dogs will offer nothing but comfort and joy. I have some advice: DO NOT do this without asking first. You are assuming and imposing.
Your dog trick appears to go over well, but I know that seeing a little dog running around my cluttered house was very stressful in the one time of my life when I need absolute zero stress. My house has not been "dog-proofed," so there are several piles of edible snail mail and photographs lying on the floor. I don't know about the rest of the grieving world, but I know that my mind was already consumed with other thoughts and burdens, so there was no room for the mental burden of having a dog running around my house, potentially eating things, potentially hiding doggie-dung in random locations.
I thank you for your insensitivity during my time of sorrow...
2007-03-29category: LIFE
It has been a rotten morning so far (I'm writing this at 8:30 a m). For starters, a neighbor's dog was barking very loudly at 3:20 this morning, which woke me up. I had to move to the living room in order to continue sleeping. Then around 8 this morning, someone from the Georgetown office phoned, and woke me up again, to tell me something that I really didn't need to know. WTF? Leave me alone.
Fortunately, last night was a great night. The movie was ridiculously hilarious; go see it. Then my movie companion and I hung out at a good friend's house. Splendid.
Hey, writing about last night has just improved my mood, so this morning's not so rotten after all.
2007-03-28category: SOCIAL
To celebrate the 22nd birthday of my lovely niece Rachel, I am going to yet another advance screening of a movie, courtesy of Ace Weekly. Tonight, at Cinemark Fayette Mall, Mary Ann and I will be laughing at Will Ferrell's antics in Blades of Glory. Less than a week ago, she and I watched a free Adam Sandler film at that theater.
Skipped work again today. Attended a funeral which had all the elements of a normal funeral — a wooden casket in the church, a long motorcade with police escorts, and pallbearers. Experiencing all of it brought me a strong sense of contentment for some reason.
2007-03-26category: LIFE
Is my silence making you angry? Would you love to hear from me again? Here's a fascinating thought: I want to hear from you as much as you want to hear from me. (Just don't call me from your cell phone.)
ANYWAY, I've been a bit preoccupied with my offline life, so I haven't updated in six days. Let me tell you what I've been doing: 20070321 ~ playing frisbee with Zach 20070322 ~ attending a crowded movie screening with Mary Ann 20070323 ~ embracing downtown conversations with DT and MAF 20070324 ~ keeping Danielle company after tragedy struck 20070325 ~ helping Danielle assemble and scan old photographs
There's one other totally irrelevant thing I want to write about. Back in early March, I discovered that no one had posted any lyrics pages anywhere on the Internet for the new Leslie Feist song, a song I hear all the time on French radio. So I immediately created such a page, and yesterday, Google started placing it super-high on Feist lyrics searches. So I am kinda patting myself on the back for filling the Feist vacuum and attracting swarms of new visitors.
Gas prices are going up for the summer, but if you head over to the nearest SuperAmerica station, you might be able to fill up for $0.819 per gallon. Ummm, yeah!! Check
Don't you love when you can exchange an email for a snail mail?? I know I do. Yesterday, I sent an email to Ace Weekly, and today the mailman delivered a movie pass for an advance screening of Reign Over Me next Thursday night at Cinemark Fayette Mall. For the first time, I was not required to drive across town to Hamburg Pavilion shopping center to pick up the pass; Ace Weekly sent it to me directly, and I thank them for that.
Note: if you search the Brett Bugle, you can find many, many other blog entries about advance screenings that Ace Weekly has thrown for me and the rest of Lexington.
2007-03-16category: SOCIAL
Tonight I know for sure that I'm playing piano at the Contra dance. Other items on my potential to-do list include <1> make a slideshow of Dad pix, <2> send Heather a thank-you card for the Weight Watchers coconut treats, <3> upload the Thanksgiving 2006 photo album for Danny, <4> make vidcaps of Bellamy Young from her recent appearance on "Close To Home," <5> browse the 20% off everything sale at Joseph-Beth Booksellers, and <6> submit a new invoice to my employer.
2007-03-15category: LIFE
Haven't posted any updates recently because I couldn't think of anything to write about, but maybe it'll be all right for me to throw lots of random thoughts into a new entry. You don't care, right? All you care about is that I prove to you that I can handle the pressure of maintaining a weblog. You don't care if it's boring or pointless; you want to know I'm alive and responsible and accountable.
Random thought number one: happy birthday to Catherine Tarbox, a lovely Australian lady I used to hang out with in both Orlando FL and San Jose CA. She wasn't Australian when I knew her in the early '90s, but she's Australian now, and that triggers large volumes of jealousy in me.
Random thought number two: we had a nice stretch of what I call "shorts weather" in Lexington lately, but it's turning colder again, which means I'll be spending all my time indoors again. When I'm indoors, you can almost always find me surfing the web, in search of amusing images like this one or blissful videos like this one.
Random thought number three. Since February 23rd (the last time I wrote about movies), I've seen the following movies: Clerks II, Little Children, Taxi 4, Ghost Rider, Tale of Two Sisters, and Zodiac.
Random thought number four: I wonder if I should update you soon on how those sponsored links are treating me. See, I'm still learning how to build a small paycheck at Google by posting ads on other pages of my site, and my account balance is very gradually going up, but I'm hesitant to write about it here because Google might suspend me or something.
been thinking about attempting an audio blog or a podcast, one which might include singing or playing piano or having a mystery guest once in a while
2007-03-09category: NONE
It's almost 8 a.m. as I write this; I just woke up. I wanted to blog the dream I just had this morning in which I felt like I was in an episode* of "House MD" but not as cast or crew. I was just watching the events unfold like I normally do at home, but I was actually there. You follow me so far?
So, okay, weird dream things are happening, like all of us (House, Chase, Cameron, Foreman, Wilson, and me) walking down a golf course fairway wondering why there's a garden hose there instead of a sprinkler system. Something else that happened was that Dr. House made pseudomusic from a Rolodex and a pipe organ with melted keys.
At the end of the dream it dawned on me that I shouldn't be there! I had nothing to offer the medical team; I wasn't contributing anything to the show. Actually, I think I remember saying something to House during the melted-keys portion in which his response was cussing.
* I've seen every episode of this Fox series.
2007-03-07category: TRAVEL
Two things I am itching to do this year that I have not yet done this year: (1) send another big batch of snail mail to my friends and remaining family, and (2) swim in an ocean or sit on the beach and stare at hotties in bikinis.
Doing the second thing will automatically cause me to do the first thing. I love to send postcards to at least 30 people in my address book every time I leave Kentucky. All I gotta do is leave Kentucky. When will that be? When Rachel graduates from nursing school?
Mary Ann was lucky enough to take a trip to Las Vegas with her mom and sister last week, and she brought me blank postcards from Vegas when she returned. Unfortunately, she didn't bring me 30 of them, so only a select few will be getting these Vegas souvenirs in their mailboxes. If you desperately want to be one of these few, let me know.
2007-03-05category: LIFE
Continuing the theme of "nice surprises" that I began below in my 03/03 post . . .
(1) Today the mailman arrived at 09h30. I looked up from my websurfing and saw a figure crossing the yard. I thought, "that can't be the mailman." But yes, it was the mailman. He brought me some mail at nine-thirty in the a.m. and did not make me wait until four in the p.m.
(2) After lunch with Danielle, I was sitting at the stoplight on Liberty, waiting to turn onto Winchester. Then I happened to glance over, and I saw a store called Computer Pieces and Parts. Whoa! Sweet! OMGWTFBBQ! I abandoned my initial agenda and turned into that parking lot instead. I learned that this store has a lot to offer someone like me who occasionally needs computer pieces and parts. (I bought a KVM switch with PS2 cables. If Mr. Brewer had stocked a MIDI-to-USB cable, I would have bought that, too.)
Will there be more nice surprises this week? Stay tuned.
2007-03-03category: SOCIAL
Bet you thought I wasn't ever going to write about Erin again; you were wrong.
Today I went to the Good Foods Co-op for lunch, since they have very good grab-and-go sushi that is reasonably priced. I like to go there occasionally when I feel I've overloaded my system on Chick-Fil-A and Fazoli's food. An added bonus is that I often see dance friends at the Co-op, and there's always a possibility I'll cross paths with Erin, who's a regular customer there.
Well, today was not the day for me to see Erin at the Co-op.
However, on a whim, I decided to go to Fayette Mall after lunch and walk around and burn some calories. I love Fayette Mall, and lo and behold, coincidence of coincidences, I actually saw Erin walk past me in the main common area near the Williams-Sonoma store. Spotting her there was quite a shock, and it made my day.
I didn't approach her, and I'm pretty sure she didn't see me, so there's no big crazy ending of this story. But I'm writing about it because it was an important moment in my day, and this is my blog, a perfect place for documenting important moments in my days. My blog is awesome; it will never leave me nor forsake me