What follows is a thorough retelling of my time overseas with Mom at the end of January 2006, starting with a photo gallery and ending with a day-by-day description of my travel activities. |
Tags: blog, Freeport, not Bret Mason, not Lexinton or Lexingtion Kentuck |
(click here to start at page one)
yet another of the many impressive shells I found
local event: Wednesday night fish fry at Taino Beach
desserts include sweet-potato bread and guava duff
you gotta love that ocean
Mom loves the ocean
Brett loves the ocean
Brett can wear shorts in January
Brett waves hello to the ocean
a more overcast shot of the ocean
go to Bahamas photo gallery part 4
or return to the Brett Bugle
Extra tags for Google and Yahoo: not Brit or Brent Mason; not Exlington, Lexingtn, Lexingotn or Lexingont